Who is looking for ideas or tips to make their child more well-behaved and neat at meal times? Here is a “My Eating Manners” chart that will develop and refine your child’s mealtime etiquette – insha’Allah.  This chart gives you an opportunity to train your child to follow the guidelines from Quran and Sunnah at mealtimes.

I am a firm believer in charts. Charts are incredible friends of mothers. They save your voice, save your sanity and most importantly help kids do exactly what you want them to do with minimum instructions. The best part is, kids love them too! Mine was ALWAYS very excited to follow the charts.

Simply print out the chart, put in a frame and let the frame sit on the table or stick the chart on the wall near your dining table/ dining area. Go through the points one by one as you elaborate. Give reasons behind each “rule” so that it makes all the more sense to them. Once it makes sense to them they will have no problem to follow them.

If your child is too young to read it on his/her own, then read it out loud. Read it everyday once (for example at dinner times) before you serve the meal so that your child has the opportunity to follow through the chart from the top! Gently remind when your child forgets or ignores a rule. The idea is to encourage and not enforce. They are going to hate this chart and every other that I share with you if you get strict with them or criticise them for not following it to the letter. Lastly, as always praise them when they do good!

Only a mother knows how pleasant it is to have a polite child at the table whether at home, at guests’s or at a restaurant.

I pray that this chart helps your child have best etiquettes.

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Mohabuth nazia
Mohabuth nazia
5 years ago

Assalamualaikum hope u r fine brothers n sisters. I’m sooo impressed by ur work Ma Shaa Allah
May Allah swt blessed all of u.can I get copies of cards that u prepare 4 Ramadan

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