
The first thing I want to say is ALHAMDULILLAH, for making the 2020 Journal possible. My anxiousness kept increasing day by day as I received so many emails asking for the new journal.

Without further ado….


And now while your much awaited Journal is downloading you can read WHY we are late…

When COVID-19 first appeared in large numbers around the world, I never imagined that the situation will be what it is today. I prayed and waited desperately for Allah to relieve us from this hardship.  However, the Qadr of Allah is what we know now, and all of His Qadr is good. Not just me but my kids were in disbelief too when they learnt that the Masaajid will remain closed in the beautiful month of Ramadan. It was clear – We are going to experience a very unique Ramadan this year. How could I not include the reality in the journal for the kids?

Thus, began my job of making changes in a lot of places (you will see!). These last minute changes has what caused us to delay posting the 2020 version.

JazakumAllahu khair for all the lovely emails and du’aas! My Ramadan gets more special because of you all and your blessed children 🙂

May Allah reward generously to all those who have worked hard to bring you all this Journal. Please remember us all in your du’aa. May Allah grant us ease soon, lift the calamity from us, grant patience to those affected and mercy to those who have returned to their Lord.

May Allah make this Ramadan our Best one yet! Ameen!


PS: My daughter dislikes reading or hearing “Coronavirus” or “COVID-19”, she has had enough of it. So, she requested me to spare this Journal from mentioning the above two words. So, I have used general terms like disease and pandemic instead.




Assalaam Alaikum wa Rehmatullahi wa Barkaatuh everyone,

Alhamdulillah I’m excited as well as humbled to announce that “My Perfect Ramadan Journal 2019 ” is ready for download!

I thank you all for being patient with me as I tried to cooperate with my husband in editing the Journal who is not in the same country as me (I had to unexpectedly leave home a couple of months ago). Let’s just say that I did not believe I could put up the revised Journal up on the blog. But Alhamdulillah that He assisted us in completing the project. I’m so happy and grateful to Allah that so many of you are benefiting from the Journal. May Allah accept it from all of us and bless all our children with all goodness and Imaan. Ameen.

Here’s my response to some frequently asked questions:

1. How to download the PDF?
Scroll down to the bottom of the post, click on the button “Download My Perfect Ramadan Journal”.

2. Can Ummi deliver hard copies of the Journal?
Unfortunately no. You will have to print out the Journal and bind it.

3. Is it available in Arabic or other languages?
Not yet, may Allah assist in making the Arabic version for next year.

4. At what age can you use this Journal?
Typically at seven. However, some children may use it earlier with a little help. Others may not be ready even at seven. Completely depends on the individual child.

5. Can you distribute or print the Journal in bulk for classroom or Masjid use?
Yes you can. Please read the “Terms of use” on the last page of the Journal.

6. What is new in 2019 version?
The typing errors have been corrected as well as a new cover page is introduced. The content remains the same.


2018 POST

I always wanted to make a meaningful Ramadan Journal for children.
Since my older child is now an independent reader, I ‘had’ to make a journal for her for this Ramadan. A journal that would enrich her Ramadan experience by increasing her knowledge about this blessed month as well as some basic concepts revolving around Ramadan. A journal that would also keep her occupied with interesting yet beneficial activities. I wanted to give her each day a portion of ‘Ilm along with a cup of imaan, so that she benefits her soul in Ramadan just as I do.

It took me a couple of months to brainstorm, write, edit, design and put this journal together. I have included topics that help build a foundation in her understanding of Ramadan such as explaining the pillars of Islam, what is Ramadan and how Quran is related strongly to this month, how was Quran revealed, why was it revealed, how do we to fast, why do we fast, what are the rewards of fasting, what is Laylatul Qadr, what is Sadaqah al-fitr, how to celebrate Eid, and so on.

To keep the journal fun and interesting I have also included a mini moon phase book, mind maps, Islamic stories with reading response, fast tracker, Ramadan calendar, good deeds chart, Ramadan journal prompts and much more.

I pray that it benefits her and all of you not just in Ramadan but also beyond the blessed month. Ameen.

JazakumAllahu khair.



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5 years ago

As salam o alaikum, hope you are fine and in good health. I have heard alot good about your Ramadan journal and i am very much interested to download it for my 6yold and waiting anxiously for Ramadan to make her use it and feel the essence of this beautiful month In sha Allah. Please let me know when it’s available for download. Jazak Allahu khairan kaseera for your efforts, may Allah SWT accept from you.

4 years ago

JAKH for this Journal, my daughter loves and we are printing it out for this year as well. Thanks!

Habiba yousuf
Habiba yousuf
4 years ago
Reply to  Hoda

From where you download it?I cant find the option to download

4 years ago
Reply to  Habiba yousuf

Yes I can’t find it too

Uzma Kashif
Uzma Kashif
4 years ago

Can you update when the Journal 2020 will be uploaded?
Thank you

4 years ago

Assalamu alaikum,

Would you be having an updated version for 2020?

nusaybah ali
nusaybah ali
4 years ago

i love the activity book idea

4 years ago

Salam wbt, when is the Ramadhan journal for this year going to be available to download please? Jzk

4 years ago

I’m very interested in downloading this journal too! please make it available this Ramadan 🙂

Umm Ayesha
4 years ago
Reply to  Safia

We are working on a special edition for 2020, it will be available very soon inshaAllah. May Allah aid us all.

4 years ago
Reply to  Umm Ayesha

Walikum us sallam! Beautiful website. JazakAllah khair die sharing all these resources! ❤️ Eagerly waiting for Ramadan journal 2020! 🙂

4 years ago

Assalamoualikum I came across your website while searching for a Ramadan journal for my girls. I would love to use this journal for the girls this year, and get them excited for their first big girls Ramadan inshAllah. Please let me know when it will be available to download this year.

Neelam Khan
Neelam Khan
4 years ago
Reply to  Shazra

Ditto!!! Anxiously waiting for the download 🙂

4 years ago

Assalamu alaikum, I’m excited to see your updated journal and share it with my students. There are only a few days left until Ramadan, when will it be made available? I’m hoping to share it before the month starts. Jazaki Allahu khair!

Azlina Zainab
Azlina Zainab
4 years ago

Hi, Please share the 2020 Journal today


[…] Free Download: Ramadan Journal for Kids […]

4 years ago

Love ur work may Allah reward you AMEEN


[…] Free Download: Ramadan Journal for Kids […]

Mouna Lamnaouer
Mouna Lamnaouer
4 years ago

Jazak Allah khayr for providing such beautiful Islamic material for this Umma. May Allah reward you with the highest levels of paradise ameen

Umm Ayesha
4 years ago

Ameen ya Rabb wa iyyakum! May Allah out of His Rehmah accept these little efforts we make. Jazakillahu khair for your duaa.

4 years ago

I can’t find the download option. Is there any for 2021?

3 years ago

I want to join, I want to learn

3 years ago

Plz tell when will be the 2021 journal be available my daughter has been using this journal come the past two years and is waiting for it eagerly

3 years ago

Dear we are anxiously waiting for 2021 journal.my daughter love these journals.

3 years ago

How to download it,I love this sooo much kindly upload 2021 tooo

3 years ago

Aoa please tell from where to download and how

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