This Quran Vocabulary Booklet is made to introduce children to Arabic words from the Quran. It is intended for children who can read Arabic. This is especially beneficial for children learning Arabic grammar. As with any new language, vocabulary is crucial.

Most of the words chosen in this booklet appear frequently in the Quran. Some words may not be very common. However, they are important to know. It is designed in a simple way to make teaching easy for parents and teachers. The booklet contains list of vocabulary words for 32 weeks. Each week contains seven words.

I leave it on the parents and teachers to figure out how this booklet can be used with their children/ classroom. There are many ways of going through it.

The way I plan to do it with my daughter (who is nine yrs old Alhamdulillah) is inshaAllah to introduce all the words of the week at once on the first weekday. Then, pin the sheet on our board. We will go through all the words every day for the rest of the week with an oral assessment at the end of the week to see if she remembers them. As a reinforcement, we will read the Quran extra closely to see if we come across our vocabulary words and if we remember what they mean.

On completion of this book inshaAllah our children will know the meaning of almost 300 words from the Quran!

Note: Alhamdulillah this booklet has been reviewed by an ‘Aalim whose speciality is Arabic language.

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4 years ago

Thank you so much for this incredible resource! My husband shared it with my family and community and I am printing it out happily

ahmed said sibda
ahmed said sibda
4 years ago

Alhumdulillah I just received the copy of the booklet (vocabulary ).
I would like to suggest that the Arabic word has the transliteration below it .
This way some one not knowing Arabic can pick up the Arabic sound / pronounciation and also the meaning .

Mariam Mughal
Mariam Mughal
4 years ago

Mashallah very good, excellent work done…May Allah reward you and bless you abundantly…ameen

4 years ago

Thank you for Quran vocabulary booklet.جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا.

Umm Hajar
Umm Hajar
4 years ago

Subhanallah, I was reading yesterday , and thinking it would be cool to know some of the words because they seems to appear frequently. Then today, I check my FB and a sister had posted a link to this site about Qur’an Vocabulary. I almost fainted, lol. I’m planning to use it with my kids. My daughter is memorizing juzz Amma, so definitely we will be studying the vocab at the same time. I believe firmly that tafsir and tajweed go hand in hand. Actually, I would choose tafsir over tajweed, because what is the point of reciting beautiful, but… Read more »

Eymaan Rayes
Eymaan Rayes
4 years ago

Jazak Allahu Kheiran for putting amazing resources. May you be rewarded in abundance! mash’Allah may Allah protect you and your family and be a means of guiding the Ummah! Amen! Feeling very grateful and blessed to have pondered over your blog, Alhamdillah

Deenah Khalid
Deenah Khalid
4 years ago

This booklet is very informative . Subhaan Allah great work. May Allah reward you abundantly and help you attain more success in this good cause.

Arita Spridzane
Arita Spridzane
4 years ago

Thank you sister, you have a very nice page.

Akinloye Kafayat Modupe

Masha Allah, Masha Allah

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